This rare photo is one of the earliest – if not the first - of Majdal Shams (مجدل شمس) in the southern foothills of Mount Hermon (جبل الشيخ) in the Golan Heights (الجولان). The photo is an original Felix Bonfils, part of his 'catalogue de 1876'.
1870s Photo of Majdal Shams, Golan Heights. Take home a framed hi-res reprint!
The town has been under Israeli control since the June 1967 “Six-day war” or “War of 1967” (Naksa | النكسة). While today still illegally occupied by Israel, the Golan Heights, and Majdal Shams within it, are still recognized internationally as part of Syria's Quneitra Province / Governorate (مُحافظة القنيطرة).