It has been six days since the massive Earthquake hit southern Turkiye and northwest Syria. The death toll has now surpassed 33,000 souls – an unimaginable total, and with the freezing temperatures even those who survived the quake are suffering tremendously.
Especially those in NW Syria, there is little international support and UN relief has been woefully impotent. My cousin Yakzan Shishakly in Gaziantep told me “its like doomsday.”
The people of the area are in desperate need of our financial assistance.
Part of why I launched Syrian Memories products is to generate enough revenue to sustain this project, but also to create a continuous pipeline of support to Syrians by donating a percentage of any profits.
With this catastrophe upon us, for the months of February & March, 100% of profits from all sales of Syrian Memories products will go towards emergency Earthquake relief efforts.
In the meantime, if you’d like to make a direct donation, here are a few organizations on the ground doing amazing, life saving work.
There are many others great groups responding to the catastrophe (Molhem Team, Karam Foundation, IR USA and more) - if you have questions please ask me and I can do my best to help answer.
Thank you for your generosity.
Abu Adib