On this International Women's Day, let's take a moment to celebrate the one and only, Queen Zenobia (زنوبيا) of Palmyra.
Featured in this 1963 Stamp set, Queen Zenobia, Empress of Palmyra (ملكة تدمر) is a potent symbol of rebellion, tolerance and independence from the times of Roman Syria.
1963 Queen Zenobia of Ancient Palmyra Stamp Set. Take home this reprint today!
While many legends exist of her, what is known is that she became Queen-regent of her son Vaballathus (وهب اللات) after the assassination of her husband and founder of the Palmyrene Empire (مملكة تدمر), King Odaenathus (أذينة).
She held de facto power and by 271 AD she brought much of the Roman east, central Anatolia and Upper Egypt under her control. She seceded from Rome in 272 AD, naming her son emperor and was eventually defeated by Roman Emperor Aurelian (الإمبراطور أوريليان) two years later. She was subsequently banished to Rome and died in 274 AD.
During her time, she led a multiethnic and multicultural empire through tolerance and fostered culture and the pursuit of intellect. Today, she is remembered as a powerful and fierce Syrian woman who challenged Roman domination and is a source of national pride.