Syria Images Archive



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  • 1957 Syria Mother’s Day Stamp Set

    Celebrating Syrian Mother's Day

    Mother’s day is a national holiday in Syria and across much of the Arab world. Honoring the role of Syrian mothers in society, it is celebrated on March 21st, the...

    Celebrating Syrian Mother's Day

    Mother’s day is a national holiday in Syria and across much of the Arab world. Honoring the role of Syrian mothers in society, it is celebrated on March 21st, the...

  • Best Syria Books: Recent Reporting and Dispatches

    Best Syria Books: Recent Reporting and Dispatches

    Go beyond the analysis and connect to the stories being told by those witnessing events on the ground. To help you pick from the best, I’ve pulled together this list...

    Best Syria Books: Recent Reporting and Dispatches

    Go beyond the analysis and connect to the stories being told by those witnessing events on the ground. To help you pick from the best, I’ve pulled together this list...

  • 1918- Lest they perish Vintage-poster by Ethel Franklin Betts

    'Lest They Perish' Armenian Genocide Humanitari...

    The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief (ACASR) was established in 1915 to aid Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and other minorities facing persecution within the Ottoman Empire. This persecution –...

    'Lest They Perish' Armenian Genocide Humanitari...

    The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief (ACASR) was established in 1915 to aid Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and other minorities facing persecution within the Ottoman Empire. This persecution –...

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